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Maya McClean - New Record Coming

Maya McClean is an Australian singer, songwriter, dancer, choreographer, healer, spiritual life coach and filmmaker. She has been in various highly acclaimed films such as "Moulin Rouge" with Nichole Kidman and “Surfer Dude” starring Mathew McConaughey.  Beautiful and visually capturing, she has featured in magazines and books alike,  appeared in commercials for brands like; Red Bull and McDonald's, as well as gracing the stage in Disney’s “The Lion King.“ It was her childhood dream to come to America and dance with music legend Michael Jackson, but instead, the universe sent her to another icon musical genius - Prince.  She did background singing and dancing for over 13 years, with many highlights including the 2007 Super Bowl XLI, which is considered the best halftime performance in the history of the NFL.

Maya is recording a new record and living the life she was created for with true alignment.

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