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Ricky "Freeze" Smith

Ricky “Freeze” Smith - musician, songwriter, and producer.

A multi-instrumentalist, Freeze got his first real taste of the musician’s life – going on tour with the pop singing group “The Sylvers” at the age of seventeen playing drums and keyboards.

Collaborating with Leon(Sylvers), on several albums he was producing at the time, led to Freeze playing and producing songs for Solar Records group called "Dynasty"

In 1985 Ricky was introduced to Morris Day – landing keyboard duty on Morris’s solo record “Color of Success”. Morris and

Freeze went to work putting together a tour the band,

and hit the road to sold out shows all over the country. Ricky

and Morris also put together an all girl’s band signed to Warner

Bros. called (The Day Z’s) and wrote the unreleased title song “Corporate World” for (THE TIME) with Prince! They still hit

the road every year as Morris Day and The Time!!!.

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